No Great Men Among The Living

Poem about our urgent need for a hero.

No great men among the living.

No great men, not one.

No great men among the living.

Great deeds now go undone.

No great men among the living.

All of them must be dead.

No great men among the living.

Great words now go unsaid.

No great men among the living,

No great men, I fear.

The past sits so distant.

The future looms so near.

No great men among the living,

No great men, I’m afraid.

No great men among the living.

Great feats now go unmade.

No great men among the living.

Not one is left breathing.

No great men among the living.

All of them must be sleeping.

One must awaken, or he will leave the world weeping.

One must awaken. Awaken! I’m pleading.

In desperation, we beg for a savior

A valiant soldier to help us be braver

A man whose resolve and courage won’t waver

One who reminds us of when men were greater

We search for the men who built what we have.

But know, deep down, they’re not coming back.

They are not here, they no longer breathe.

Nobody great in whom to believe.

No great men among the living.

Our problems - we need them to solve.

No great men among the living.

No great men living at all.

No great men among the living.

Each has gone away.

To the blissful valleys, the fields and hills, where the souls of our loved ones play.

Perhaps they have earned paradise

For they suffered here on Earth.

But we are suffering now, we thirst for their rebirth.

I might be a great man, if only they could show me.

Men so high above me are now buried below me.

No great men among the living.

Beneath the soil they lay.

No great men among the living.

Oh, how we wish they could stay.

Stay with us, and return this world

To the state in which you had left it

Before you departed and the calamity started

We hadn’t the strength to protect it

After we parted with our dear lion-hearted

Courageous fathers and brothers

We searched and scoured and trampled on flowers

And now

I’m ashamed to discover

Great men have seen their last hour.

No great men left among the others.

No great men among the living.

You’re likely not surprised.

No great men among the living.

Look away, oh! Close your eyes.

No great men among the living.

No great men, I’m afraid.

No great men among the living.

No sign of the greatness they conveyed.

No great men among the living.

No great men remain.

We have living men, who could be great

But all of them abstain.

No great men among the living.

The last have come and gone.

No great men among the living.

When will the next one come along?

No great men among the living.


Is it left up to me?

Must I be the hero?

No great men among the living.


Is it left up to me?

Must I be the one?

No great men among the living.


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